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Key Points Regarding Enrollment

Please see downloadable PDF’s of our complete Enrollment Procedures by clicking on the buttons below.

1)  A Letter of Interest must be submitted for each child (link below) every year.  The Letter of Interest can be submitted at any time; however, to to be considered for fall enrollment of the upcoming school year, your letter must be received by the day before the lottery is run (the Friday after Spring Break).  

2) An Enrollment Seminar must be attended by a parent or guardian. 

3)  K-8 Letters of Acceptance and Waiting List letters for the upcoming school year go out shortly after the lottery is run on the Friday after Spring Break.  

4)  No private tours will be conducted unless your child has been accepted for enrollment. Attending a Parent Seminar is an opportunity to tour the school, meet our faculty and learn about our curriculum. 

5)  Observance of a Montessori classroom is required as an enrollment step. This may be scheduled with the enrollment office.

6)  Before your child can attend, all paperwork and required documentation must be submitted. Failure to do so will mean your child’s spot will be forfeit.

7) Children must be three years old and potty trained to attend our Primary Program.

8) The 2023 Nevada Legislature changed the Kindergarten age guidelines for all public schools. Children must be five years of age on or before August 1 to attend kindergarten.